Quantum Corp. (NYSE: QTM) is the leading global storage company
specializing in backup, recovery and archive. Combining focused
expertise, customer-driven innovation, and platform independence,
Quantum provides a comprehensive range of disk, tape, media, and
software solutions supported by a world-class sales and service
organization. As a long-standing and trusted partner, the company works
closely with a broad network of resellers, OEMs, and other suppliers to
meet customer’s evolving data protection needs.
For assistance contact Quantum Technical Assistance center:
North America
UK, France, and Germany
00800 4 QUANTUM
+44 1256 848 766
For worldwide support:
81-81713-02 A01, May 2007
LTO-3 Half-Height Tape Drive Quick Start Guide
Backup. Recovery. Archive. It’s What We Do.
©2007 Quantum Corporation. All rights reserved. Quantum, the Quantum logo, and all other
logos are registered trademarks of Quantum Corporation or their respective owners.
You should also consider the following safety points:
• Install the drive in an enclosure that limits the user’s access to live parts, gives
adequate system stability, and provides the necessary grounding for the drive.
• Provide the correct voltages (+5 VDC and +12 VDC) based on the regulation
applied—Extra Low Voltage (SEC) for UL and CSA, and Safety Extra Low Voltage for
BSI and VDE (if applicable).