length is the length of data in words
Genius bus input data is mapped as before.
A Genius bus controller at serial bus address 31 is sending 2 words of output data to a
Genius block at serial bus address 17. To map this data to a offset 27 in a ControlLogix
scheduled connection, and assign it tagname Block17Outputs, add the following line to
the DataInput section of the connection
27, m31>17[2], Block17Outputs
ControlLogix Tags
As before, AN-X can create tags that can be imported into RSLogix 5000 to access the
Quick Start
Use the following steps to run the AN-X2-GENI in ghost mode.
Use the web interface to set the baud rate and serial bus address
Connect AN-X2-GENI to the Genius network.
Use the web interface to perform an autoconfiguation and automatically generate a
ControlLogix configuration.
Save and edit the Genius configuration file. Remove Scan from all network devices.
Save and download the modified Genius configuration file to the AN-X2-GENI.
Save and edit the ControlLogix confguration file the AN-X2-GENI created when you
performed the autoconfiguration. Comment out all the DataOutput sections.
Uncomment the ghost mode entries it created and modify them to suit your
Save and download the modified ControlLogix configuration file.
Use the web interface to view the active configuration and locate the data.
Use the web interface to export the aliases for the ControlLogix configuration and
import them into RSLogix 5000.
Use the aliases to access the data from RSLogix 5000
Accessing Global Data from HMIs
The AN-X2-GENI maps global data from Genius nodes 0 to 31 to integer files N100 to
N131. Each file is 64 words long.
To read the global data for any node, create the connection to the AN-X as you would for
a PLC-5, and read the data from the appropriate integer file.