Q S I 5 0 0 S E R I E S U S E R G U I D E
In the guider settings window, make sure that “Main Relays” is selected in the “Control Via”
pop-up list under Autoguider Output. This instructs MaxIm to send the autoguider control
signals through the Guider port on the QSI 500 Series camera. If your autoguider camera
also has a guider port, you can select “Guider Relays” to send the signals through the
autoguider camera. MaxIm supports additional methods of generating the correct control
signals. See the online help in MaxIm LE for complete details. Click OK to close the Guider
eed to focus your guide scope. You can take an image with your autoguider by
pressing the Start button. Set the exposure only as long as necessary to still yield well-
defined stars. Shorter exposures allow quicker cycles between guiding exposures and
smoother guiding.
The first time you press Start with a new exposure length, MaxIm LE will automatically take
a dark frame. Follow the instructions on screen. Press Start as necessary to take
additional images while focusing your guide scope. Stop when you are satisfied with the
focus and exposure length.
Settings window and return to the Guide tab of the Camera Control Window.
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