Q S I 5 0 0 S E R I E S U S E R G U I D E
View the image
MaxIm will instruct the camera to acquire a bias frame and then automatically download
and display the resulting image. Your screen should look something like this.
Your display may vary somewhat from the screen shot above and the image displayed may
be larger or smaller than that shown depending on your camera model. While a room
temperature Bias image isn't very exciting, this does provide confirmation that your software
and camera are installed and working properly.
Congratulations, you have just connected your new QSI 500 Series camera and
acquired your first image. If you’re familiar with MaxIm LE or MaxIm DL, or
are using some other camera control software such as CCDSoft from Software
Bisque, you are now ready to begin taking additional images.
For all users, but especially if you’re new to CCD imaging with MaxIm LE, we
suggest you read the entire QSI 500 Series Camera User Guide to familiarize
yourself with all of the features and capabilities of your new QSI camera.