Q S I 5 0 0 S E R I E S U S E R G U I D E
The upper panel lists the groups of calibration frames that MaxIm identified. The first
calibration group should be selected. The lower “Group Properties” panel lists the files in
the selected calibration group. Click on the group labeled “Dark1” in the upper panel to see
the files in that group.
For each calibration group, you can select whether the master image for the group should
be created by averaging each pixel in the individual frames or using the median value of
each pixel. Setting the “Combine Type” to average will generally yield the lowest noise
master frame but any irregularities in any of the images, such as from a cosmic ray hit, will
show up in the master image. Setting the combine type to Median eliminates any
excessively dark or light pixels in an individual image from affecting the master but produces
a master image with slightly more noise than an average combine of clean individual
calibration frames.
If MaxIm correctly identified all the calibration groups you created, you can click OK to close
the Set Calibration window. Optionally you can click the “Replace w/Masters” button next to
the Auto-Generate button. When Replace w/Masters is pressed, MaxIm will combine all the