Q S I 5 0 0 S E R I E S U S E R G U I D E
Shutting down your camera
QSI cameras can safely be turned off by removing the power cable at any time, however it
is best to let the temperature of the CCD rise close to the air temperature before removing
Click on the Setup Tab in the Camera Control window. Click the Cooler Off button to turn
off the CCD cooler. The fans will continue to run dissipating heat from the thermoelectric
coolers. When the temperature of the CCD begins to stabilize near the air temperature,
click Disconnect to disconnect from the camera.
Unplug the power plug from the camera.
Controlling your camera with other software
QSI camera drivers are included on the installation CD for MaxIm DL from Diffraction
Limited and CCDSoft from Software Bisque. Follow the instructions in the installer if you
want to control your QSI 500 Series camera with either of these applications.
Your camera can also be controlled with our ASCOM-compatible ActiveX API. For
complete details on the ActiveX API please visit the Software and Drivers page on the QSI
web site,