Q S I 5 0 0 S E R I E S U S E R G U I D E
minute image. Tracking errors, improper polar alignm
rays all conspire to make it difficult to be successful wi
ent, airplanes, satellites, and cosmic
th very long exposures. Plus it’s a lot
MaxIm makes taking multiple sub-exposures easy. It’s even possible to set up an entire
night of images and then go to sleep. To set up a sequence of images, bring the Camera
Control Window to the front and click on the “Sequence” tab.
less frustrating to throw away one 5-minute exposure out of a total of 12 than a single 60
minute exposure.
Establish a base file name for the sequence of images by entering a text string in the
“Autosave Filename” field. All the images taken in the sequence will begin with that base
filename. Set “Start at” to 1. This determines the starting sequence number a
ied to
each series of images.
. Select “Setup Sequence…” from the Options
menu. This will open the “Setup Sequence” window.
Click the black arrowhead to the right of “Options” along the right edge of the Sequence t
window. The Options menu will popup