LPF frequency knob
This knob sets the global calibration of the plugin. The higher the calibration, the more the
circuits behave in a non-linear way, revealing all their character. However, you have to be
careful, because a too high setting can induce saturation (but this can also be the desired effect).
The non-linear behavior of the circuits brings a particular sonic thickness (the inductors, the tube
amplification stages, and the output transformer generating harmonics), but also a dynamic
behavior of the bands in the low end of the spectrum. This behavior allows the machine to keep
a clean sound at boost levels much higher than a classic EQ.
In some cases, the user may wish to use the frequency response of the parallel passive
equalizer without the non-linear behavior of the machine. For this, the calibration can be set to
the minimum.
Drive knob
Output Gain
In the original machine, this knob is used to adjust the output gain, and thus possibly
compensate for the gain lost or gained after filtering.
However, this gain is applied before the output block, which includes an amplifier stage and a
transformer. A large value of this output gain may therefore lead to the generation of harmonics,
or even saturation for extreme settings.
Output Gain knob
Pulsar Massive - User Manual - page 29 / 35