Use of parameter controls
The parameter control knobs have several modes of use:
The normal editing mode (use a classic mouse drag, or the mouse wheel)
The fine editing mode (hold the Ctrl or Cmd key while dragging or while using the mouse
wheel, or drag with the right mouse button)
The « reset to default » action (double-click, or click while holding the Alt key)
The « menu » action (right-click, or click while holding the Ctrl key)
Only for some controls, the alternate edition mode (hold Shift while dragging), which can
have various functions, for example to temporarily link two parameters
Parameter locking
It is possible to lock certain parameters, so that they are not changed when loading a preset. For
example, one possible use of this feature is to set the input and output gains of a compressor to
achieve the desired amount of gain reduction, lock these parameters, and then scroll throught
the list of factory presets to find the most appropriate tone.
Locking the Dual Input knob
To lock a control, right-click it with the mouse, or click while holding down the Ctrl key on the
keyboard. If the control can be locked, a menu will appear offering to lock it. When a parameter
is locked, a small padlock icon appears next to the control.
Using the GUI resize control
Located at the bottom right of the interface of all Pulsar Audio plugins, this control allows you to
resize the plugin's interface to your liking. It comes in the form of three lines, like a classic
resizing handle:
Resizing handle
Note that in some DAWs, this resizing can be problematic, depending on how the DAW
developer has designed its windowing.
It is also possible, by clicking in the corner, to open a small popup window with buttons offering a
choice of fixed size resizing (100% - 150%):
Resizing window
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