Lets you Set the compression/expansion ratio. There are 21 steps available including 14
compression ratios ranging from 1.2:1 to ∞:1 omitting compression 1:1, and 6 expansion
ratios up to 0.5 : 1.
Sets an attack time within a wide range from 0.01ms to 1s. Sets a nominal attack time for
automated attack mode.
Auto Attack button (PSP MasterComp only)
Engages automated attack adjustment mode. In this mode the Attack control sets a nominal
attack time while the automation algorithm shortens or lengthens the attack according to the
current transients content in the signal. Please note that although the automation algorithm
provides superb transparent attack behavior, there are tracks and plug-in settings that may
require turning it off for a more musical result.
Sets a release time within a wide range from 0.1s to 10s in PSP MasterComp and from 0.03s
to 3s in PSP MicroComp. Sets the nominal release time for automated release mode.
Auto Release button
Engages automated release adjustment mode. In this mode the Release control sets a nominal
release time while the automation algorithm shortens or lengthens the release according to
the current transients content in the signal. Please note that although the automation
algorithm provides superb transparent release behavior there are tracks and plug-in settings
that may require turning it off for a more musical result.
Sets the compression or expansion threshold in the range of +6..-30dB. The threshold in PSP
MicroComp is calibrated to be more sensitive by 3dB approximately to be more suitable for
track processing.
PSP MasterComp & PSP MicroComp operation manual