Switches between standard hard and soft knee compression/expansion curves.
In PSP MicroComp a soft knee mode is engaged when a button is lit.
Peak/RMS switch (PSP MasterComp) or RMS button (PSP MicroComp
Switches between peak and RMS responses of the level detector.
In PSP MicroComp an RMS mode is engaged when the button is lit.
Switching between Peak and RMS detection has to reset and switch its internal
processing and may produce sudden gain drop and corresponding click if attempted during
Limit/Off (PSP MasterComp only)
Engages the high quality output brick wall limiter. The limiter is located as the last
processing part of this plug-in after mixing dry with processed signal and output gain stage.
The ceiling level of the limiter is set to 0dBFS.
Stereo/Mono (PSP MicroComp only)
Engages the stereo processing mode. Mono mode allows to save some CPU cycles whenever
a mono track is processed.
Switches the meters between Pre processing (input), Gain Reduction and Post processing
(output) modes.
PSP MasterComp or PSP MicroComp
Clicking on the PSP MasterComp or PSP MicroComp label switches to the rear panel.
Latency indication
Just below the PSP MasterComp or PSP MicroComp label there are two numbers showing
the exact latency of the plug-in in samples and milliseconds. Although most audio
applications provide automatic latency compensation there are still some situations when
manual compensation is required.
PSP MasterComp & PSP MicroComp operation manual