2.8.10 Standby mode
User can select the standby mode if need, in the standby mode, the ventilator will not
supply mechanical ventilation or parameter monitoring functions.
2.9 Special functions
Except the common ventilation modes, the ventilator also offers certain assistant
ventilation functions, shown as follows:
2.9.1 Inspiratory hold
Refer to the section
2.2.2 user screen view.
When the
membrane button is
pressed, the ventilator will switch to a 30-second inspiratory holding phase when the
ventilator completes the current inspiration, or press the
membrane button
again to end inspiratory hold.
2.9.2 Expiratory hold
Refer to the section
2.2.2 user screen view.
When the
membrane button is
pressed, the ventilator will switch to a 30-second expiratory holding phase immediately, or
press the
membrane button again to end expiratory hold.
2.9.3 100% O
2 min
Refer to the section
2.2.2 user screen view.
When the
membrane button is
pressed, the ventilator will provide 100% pure oxygen for 2 minutes for the patient, and 2
minutes later, the oxygen concentration will resume to the pre-set value. Within 2 minutes,
press the
membrane button again to end the 100% pure oxygen period early.