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Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 31 of 171
May 23, 2011
To configure a Master radio, make the following changes to the web
configuration form:
Overall Settings
Unit Name:
Enter a unique name for the radio.
Obtain IP Address by:
If a DHCP (Dynamic Host Control Protocol) server is
configured on your local area network, the DHCP server can assign IP
addresses automatically.
If you prefer to assign a Static (Fixed) IP address, select
, and then
enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway in the Overall area
of the Radio web configuration form.
If you intend to assign IP addresses manually, you must not duplicate an IP address
that is already in use on your network. If you are not sure what IP addresses are available, ask
your network administrator for assistance.
as the radio mode.
Assign a network name (SSID) of up to 32 characters. The radio uses
this name in all network references. All radios in a network must have the
same SSID.
Channel Selection:
Choose the channel selection mode.
Network channels allow radios to avoid sharing a frequency with other
networks in the same location. For most applications, you should choose a
specific channel number. If you choose
the radio will scan available
channels, and will select a channel that appears to have little traffic.
The RLXIB-IHN radio is supplied with a dual-band antenna that supports both
frequency ranges. If you use a different antenna with the RLXIB-IHN radio, you must choose a
channel and frequency range supported by the antenna.
Encryption scrambles data so that only intended viewers can
decipher and understand it. Although "none" is an available encryption type,
ProSoft Technology strongly recommends encrypting all data sent and
received from every radio on your network with WPA2, to help prevent your
data from being intercepted and decoded.
To use AES encryption on packets sent between the
radios, select
WPA2 - P
in the Encryption Type field. Next, in the
WPA phrase field, enter a pass phrase of between eight and 63 normal
keyboard characters. This phrase automatically generates an encryption key
of 128 hexadecimal characters. The default pass phrase is "passphrase"
(lower case, no quotes). For more information on encryption, see Security
settings (page 61).