WirelessN Discovery Tool
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 123 of 171
May 23, 2011
Wireless Properties
Parameter Description
Each radio on the device is part of a wireless network identified by the
SSID. This SSID is used by the Radio's parent and/or child link as
applicable. The radio can be configured to support more than more
than one network when virtual access points are enabled - the use of
virtual AP's will display multiple SSID entries.
One of Master, Repeater, or Client. Each physical radio (WLAN card)
on the supported device has a configured role.
This is the WiFi communication channel in use by the SSID referenced
above. If virtual AP's are in use, then there can be more than 1 channel
in use by the radio for communication.
The type of security used over the wireless link used to connect to the
parent, e.g. WPA, WEP, etc.
Parent Signal Strength
For radios that have a link to an upstream parent, the wireless signal
strength (in dBm) of the parent link is displayed here.
IP Properties
Parameter Description
The radio's IPv4 address
Subnet Mask
The subnet mask used to define this radio's network.
The network's gateway IP address.
Ethernet Connected?
If the radio is part of the wired Ethernet network, this field will show