WirelessN Discovery Tool
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 129 of 171
May 23, 2011
The Settings menu allows you to manage the discovery protocol parameters. The
Broadcast IP Address is set to a default of, and this can be
modified to be more restrictive multicast address if required. The Broadcast Port
for protocol messages is the destination port for UDP packets from the device
network and uses port 802. The Source Port is used by the utility running on the
Windows host to send out UDP probe requests to the network and uses port
9092. The device is set to scan the network for radios every 60 seconds, and the
Scan Interval field can be modified to change this frequency. As well the regular
scan can be disabled altogether by deselecting the Periodically Scan for Radios
To remove all detected radios from all views prior to scanning, choose the option
to Clear Scanned List. The view will not have radio information until the next scan
of the network.
5.11.3 View Menu
This menu allows you to navigate to the display options this management utility
has for showing supported radios and network information. Each view presents
radio and network information as well as related configuration options.
The Topology View displays a network diagram of supported devices detected by
the utility. The Master, Repeater, and Client relationships are presented visually
in a color coded and vertically aligned diagram with the Master radio(s) at the top
of the page. This view allows you to get a summary of the entire detected
network or select specific radios for further analysis.
The Radio List shows a table of detected radios in the network. This table allows
you to easily identify radios by role, MAC address and device name. If a
particular radio has parents or children in the network, they are identified by MAC
address, SSID and security for that wireless link. Double clicking on a radio in the
list will take you to the Detailed Radio view.
The current view (whether it be Topology, Radio List, or Detailed Radio) is
updated with new radio and network information as it arrives when Auto Refresh
is enabled. The scan menu contains the discovery protocol configuration
settings. As well, a manual refresh of the view is available by clicking on the
Refresh menu option or pressing F5.