RadioLinx Configuration Manager
Industrial Hotspot
User Manual
ProSoft Technology, Inc.
Page 103 of 171
May 23, 2011
When the radio finishes rebooting, log in with your username and password.
If necessary, restore the backup of the radio's settings (page 93), or
reconfigure the radio as needed (page 29).
System Time
Parameter Description
Date & Time
The RLXIB-IHN hardware has a real time clock (RTC) used to keep
time. These configuration fields set the system time. Accurate system
time is useful for logging and is required as part of certificate validity
confirmation; expired certificates cannot be used in 802.1X
Device Certificate
A detailed discussion of RADIUS authentication and certificates is outside the scope of this
manual. Refer to the documentation for your RADIUS server to determine the proper procedure to
create and use authentication certificates.
Certificates are used to authenticate the identity of users and systems, and are
issued by Certification Authorities (CA) such as VeriSign, Thawte, and other
organizations. Certificates are used by this device for RADIUS server
authentication when using enterprise mode security.
Parameter Description
File Location
To upload certificates meant for the device that have been signed by a
trusted CA, the signed certificate file must be stored on the host
computer being used to access this web interface. Click Choose File to
find and select the signed device certificate file.
Once the signed device certificate file is located and its path appears in
the above location field, click Upload. After successful upload this
certificate will be displayed in the below list of Uploaded Certificates.