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Industrial Hotspot
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ProSoft Technology, Inc.
May 23, 2011
1.3 System
The RadioLinx WirelessN Discovery Tool is designed for the following Microsoft
Windows versions:
Microsoft Windows XP,
Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows 2003
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows 7
Minimum hardware requirements are:
II 450 MHz minimum. Pentium III 733 MHz (or better)
Supported operating systems:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1 or 2
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 1, 2, or 3
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Vista
128 Mbytes of RAM minimum, 256 Mbytes of RAM recommended
CD-ROM drive
100 MB available hard drive space
Available RS-232 serial port and null modem cable
256-color VGA graphics adapter, 800 x 600 minimum resolution (True Color
1024 x 768 recommended)
Ethernet hub with standard RJ45 Ethernet cable
Ethernet port with RJ45 crossover cable for direct connection to module
A web browser, for example Microsoft Internet Explorer or Firefox
In addition, you will need
A connection to an existing wired or wireless Ethernet network, with a Static
or Dynamic IP address for your computer
Obtain from your system administrator an IP address, Subnet Mask and
Gateway address for each RadioLinx device you plan to install