Grains Pitch Section
Grain Pitch Section
Pitch Probability
Pitch Probability
strip determines the pitch of a grain. Each box represents a semitone step in pitch
shifting, 0 in the middle, +12 semitones at the top, and 12 semitones at the bottom. When a grain is emitted, a
pitch offset is selected at random using probability weighting from the strip.
100% +0 Semitones
50% +12 Semitones
50% 12 Semitones
33.3% +7 Semitones
33.3% +5 Semitones
33.3% +0 Semitones
50% +5 Semitones
50% 5 Semitones
25% +5 Semitones
12.5% +2 Semitones
12.5% +0 Semitones
25% 5 Semitones
25% 12 Semitones
Examples of Pitch Probabilities for given weights.