31. Measure the voltage at the membrane cell and check
whether it corresponds to the basic settings list.
32. At full system load, measure the current at the power supply
and enter the values in the test log.
33. Check the modem or internet connection, if available.
Tab. 4: Wear protective clothing and note the dangers of working with chlorine before continuing with the
next step.
Fire, naked flames and smoking are prohibited.
Wear safety glasses.
Wear safety gloves.
Take a sample of product from the product tank
35. Measure the concentration of freely available chlorine (FAC)
and the pH value.
The concentration of freely available chlorine (FAC) should
be approx. 400 mg/l at pH = 6.5. Check all the functions
tested in this commissioning chapter if the concentration is
below 350 g/l after 6 hours of operation. Pay particular atten‐
tion to the brine concentration and current if the concentra‐
tion does not correspond to the specification. Check that the
brine concentration in the brine tank is saturated.
36. Sign the handover report if the value of the freely available
chlorine (FAC) is approx. 400 mg/l. Commissioning of the
system can be successfully ended once the specifications
have been met.
After 2 hours of production
After 6 hours of production