COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 4
3.1 EI Questionnaire
There are twenty-two major sections in the EI Questionnaire, ranging from general information
about the plant to specific information about emission points and production materials. These
twenty-two sections are like a 22-drawer filing cabinet: Inside each drawer are file folders that
are labeled with a proper key identification number. For example, Sources are labeled by Source
ID numbers (also called “
” in Texas only), while emission points are labeled by Emission
Point numbers (“
”). Each file folder is called a
in data processing terminology; it is
the same as a row in a spreadsheet. In a record, there are specific items of information. For
example, each record in the Emission Points data table contains more than twenty-five items of
information. These items, or fields, contain such information as the height and diameter of the
emission point to the emission point name. In a relational database such as EI, every record
within a file contains the same number and types of fields.
In a file drawer, it is necessary to decide in advance how the file folders will be accessed, for
example, alphabetically, sequentially, etc. However, relational databases can dynamically sort
and re-sort records to meet your exact specifications. Another advantage is the ability to link the
contents of one file drawer with one or more drawers that have common fields. For example, the
drawer marked
can be linked to the drawer marked
and Materials
the FIN is common to both files.
EI is designed to furnish high-speed access to descriptive information about plant equipment and
processes. Not all companies are required to report air emission inventory data to regulatory
agencies on an annual basis, so the frequency of update will vary from user to user. PDC Corp
can provide interface software to link the EI module to emission calculations software. The
interface is included in the companion software module: COMPASS-Calcs.
3.2 Setting Up the Account
The Account information window consists mainly of names and address information. The
Account encompasses a physical plant from which reported emissions are identified.
Following are the data elements in the Account information that are reported to the agency.
Account Information
is located under
menu. Other data elements are also included for the
user’s convenience in storing additional Account information. This information may be used by
other modules, such as the IntelliRegs, for generating a Title V Operating Permit application
Account Name
The company or owner responsible for emissions associated with the specific
plant/operating site.
Agency Acct No
The account’s identification number, assigned by the TCEQ, consists of seven characters:
two letters followed by four digits followed by a letter.
Organization Name
The organization responsible for emissions associated with the specific plant/operating