COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 1
1.1 About COMPASS-EI
COMPASS-EI (“WinCeis”) is an emission inventory data management system. It is the
Emission Inventory module of the COMpliance ASsurance System – the COMPASS – which is
distributed by PDC Corp to manage a broad range of compliance data related to air quality. EI
utilizes the user’s current equipment and equipment configuration, and it enables users to prepare
emission inventory information, including emission rates, material usage, equipment parameters,
and operating schedules for reporting to the regulatory agency for a particular emission inventory
year. For Texas EI users, the system also enables the user to revise the data and send it back to
the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) electronically (subject to agency
approval of format and specifications). Paper forms are often required under the agency’s
reporting requirements, such as in New York, which does not accept electronic reports.
Users can insert as many scenarios of emission calculation methods and process data as they
wish in the COMPASS-Calcs module without affecting the data that will actually be seen by the
regulatory agency. Information entered in EI is, for the most part, intended to be seen by the
agency in order to meet a reporting requirement.
To retrieve EI data from industries, state agencies typically distribute an EI Questionnaire. This
manual familiarizes users with both the EI program and agency systems that interface directly
with EI data.
Emission Inventory data is considered proprietary information by many of the companies that
provide it. Data such as fuel usage and feed/product materials could offer competitors insight
into a user's production schedules as well as costs. Therefore, data security was an important
concern during the development of EI. Electronic reports to the agency are automatically
encrypted prior to sending the report, as further described in this manual.
1.2 System Requirements
The following platform is recommended to operate the EI application:
Pentium II PC running at 250 MHz. with 64 megabytes of RAM and 50 megabytes
of free disk space.
The following platform is the minimum required to operate the EI application:
Pentium I PC running at 90 MHz. with 25 megabytes of free disk space and
32megabytes of RAM to obtain reasonable performance.
The following operating systems are supported:
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP or Windows
NT Operating Environment, (all Trademarks acknowledged).
The CONFIG.SYS file should have the file handles set to 60 to run certain DOS
extension programs for the EI program.
Certain Windows control panel settings, such as for Date format, must be in the"
standard” or default position. Also, users may need to modify their Display
properties if all windows and command buttons are not visible in the EI screens.