COMPASS-EI–Manual – Chapter 6
There are two functions that can change data:
Create/Edit uncontrolled emissions
; and
Adjust annual emissions
Each is explained below.
Creat/Edit uncontrolled emissions
– if the Data Pipeline feature has been used to transfer
calculated emissions to COMPASS-EI from the COMPASS-Calcs module, then
uncontrolled emission values will have been entered automatically; otherwise,
uncontrolled emissions will be blank unless the user hand-entered this information. Users
can, if they wish, enter a
Control Efficiency
to be used to estimate the uncontrolled
emission rates in the lower right corner of the screen, then click on the
icon. The
uncontrolled emission rate will be calculated by dividing controlled emissions by the
control efficiency for all highlighted rows in the emission list, and the computed values
will be inserted into the database.
Adjust annual emissions
– if the Data Pipeline feature has been used to transfer calculated
emissions to COMPASS-EI from the COMPASS-Calcs module, then the controlled
emission values that appear in EI may have been computed by multiplying the
uncontrolled emission rates by the control efficiency of one or more connected control
devices. For specific pollutants, this calculation may not have produced the value that
should be reported. Users can, if they wish, enter a
Control Efficiency
to be used to revise
the controlled emission rates in the lower right corner of the screen, and then click on the
icon. The controlled emission rate will be calculated by multiplying the uncontrolled
emissions by the control efficiency for all highlighted rows in the emission list, and the
computed values will be inserted into the database.
6.3 Emission Maintenance – Other Functions
There are three additional functions shown under
Emissions Maintenance
menu. They are
described below:
Import Permit Numbers and Allowable Emissions
is used to copy Permit Numbers and
Allowable Emissions from one of two different sources:
a.) a different account
b.) the regulatory agency’s “
download data
” A company might wish to copy
Allowable Emissions
from either of these two sources to improve or
correct the Permit Numbers and/or Allowable Emissions in their A
account. For
example, if the Data Pipeline was used to transfer calculated emissions from the
COMPASS-Calcs module to EI without first copying the prior year’s emissions in EI
to the “new” year, emission values would be created in the “new” year without
related permit information. This feature allows the user to apply permit information to
the “new” year from the agency’s “download data.” Alternatively, a company might
wish to correct permit information in a different Account (e.g., a prior year’s
Account) in order to print reports showing the revisions and have them
approved by the agency. When the changes are ready to be transferred to the user’s
“active” Account, this feature allows the data transfer to be made from the Account
where the changes were made to the “active” Account.