8. The connector has 3 wires (red, black, and green), which can be metered for
troubleshooting. Unplug the Auto Stop connector from the Auto Stop Sensor.
9. Place the meter red lead to the red wire and black lead to the black wire of the Auto Stop
connector. The meter should indicate 5 volts +/- 0.1 volt. If 5 volts is present continue
with the next step.
10. If the 5 volts is not present of significantly low temporarily replace the Auto Stop cable
with a known good cable and repeat step 10. If the 5 volts is not present or the voltage is
still significantly low replace the console or upper
. If 5 volts is present per-
manently replace the Auto Stop cable.
: The running belt does not need to be moving for this test.
11. With the Auto Stop connector plugged into the Auto Stop sensor place the meter red
lead to the green wire and black lead to the black wire. The meter should indicate 5 volts
+/- 0.1volt. While monitoring this voltage, have someone step onto the deck and bounce
up and down. The voltage between the black and green wires should fluctuate between
bounces. If the voltage does not change, replace the Auto Stop Sensor.
12. If you have completed all the previous steps and Auto Stop will still not function cor-
rectly, contact Precor Customer Support.
See Also
"System Troubleshooting Procedures" on page 99
Printed circuit assembly, generally referred to as either an upper PCA or lower PCA.
Contact Precor Customer Support at [email protected] or 800.786.8404 with
any questions.
Page 102
7 Troubleshooting
System Troubleshooting Procedures