Lift Motor Calibration
This procedure provides instruction to verify and calibrate the Lift Motor and incline system.
The Lift Motor calibration should be verified anytime the Lift Motor circuit breaker fails or is
replaced or any incline system component is replaced.
Review entire procedure before starting.
1. Toggle the treadmill circuit breaker from OFF to ON. The treadmill will begin to auto-
reset the running deck incline to the 0% incline level "Home" position (This is the Lift
Motor calibration reference position).
: Be aware that switching power ON will cause the Lift Motor actuator to
auto-reset moving the incline actuator and platform. Keep clear of incline system
2. Set the treadmill circuit breaker to OFF and disconnect the power cord.
3. Access the Lift Motor actuator tube in one of the following methods:
a. From the bottom by carefully laying the treadmill on its side
b. From the front by connecting power and raising the treadmill to maximum incline
and resting the frame base onto blocks securely placed under the front corners of
the frame (removes weight from the incline platform and Lift Motor actuator tube).
Switch power OFF and
the power cord.
4. Disconnect the actuator tube from the incline platform mounting bracket by removing
the hitch pin and clevis pin.
5. Set the actuator reference gap (distance between the top of the actuator tube (or nut) to
the bottom of the Lift Motor housing) to [[[Undefined variable Gen-
eral.TRM10ActuatorRefGap]]]. Firmly hold the jack screw from turning and rotate the
actuator tube to adjust the reference distance.
Disconnect a device power cord plug or cable connector from the power receptacle or outlet.
Contact Precor Customer Support at [email protected] or 800.786.8404 with
any questions.
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5 Adjustment Procedures
Lift Motor Calibration