5. Set the treadmill ON/OFF switch to the OFF repeat the previous AC voltage meas-
urement between terminals 5 (white) & 6 (black) of the OUTPUT connector on the
lower control module. The voltage should read the same value as the OUTPUT pins 4
and 5. Set the treadmill’s ON/OFF switch to the OFF position.
6. If one or more of the previous OUTPUT voltage readings are not present, replace the
lower control module. If the voltage readings are present, continue with the next step.
Drive Motor Winding Check
: All resistance measurements must be performed with power removed
from the machine. Performing the resistance measurements with voltage applied to
the circuit can damage the multimeter.
7. Set the treadmill’s ON/OFF switch to the OFF position. Disconnect the drive motor con-
nector from the OUTPUT connector on the power control module. With an ohmmeter,
measure between terminals 4 (red) & 5 (white), 4 (red) & 6 (black) and 5 (white) & 6
(black) of the drive motor connector. Each reading should be approximately 2.5 ohms. If
any of the readings are significantly high or open, replace the drive motor.
8. If the ohm readings are correct, inspect the female terminals of the drive motor con-
nector. Verify that they are not spread beyond the point of making good connection with
the male pins on the OUTPUT connector on the power control module. If proper con-
nection is not being achieved, replace the drive motor connector.
9. If you have performed all of the procedures above and have been unable to correct the
problem, call Precor customer support.
Contact Precor Customer Support at [email protected] or 800.786.8404 with
any questions.
Page 109
7 Troubleshooting
System Troubleshooting Procedures