When option
Use GW/Rep
is selected, your radio selects the first
gateway or repeater that it detects. If it selects a gateway, a
icon is displayed on the status line. If the gateway stops sending a
presence signal it will no longer be detected by your radio which may
then detect a repeater. In this case the gateway icon is replaced by the
repeater icon on the status line.
Therefore when you are making a call look at the display to understand
how it will be made. Take care if a repeater and a gateway are using the
same frequency and your radio is configured to use both devices (that is,
Use GW/Rep
is selected).
Repeater Mode
A radio acting as a
provides a service to other radio users. It extends
the range and enhances the reliability of Direct Mode communication
compared with basic direct communication between radios.
You can use a repeater to enable communication between radios which are
out of range of each other. The following diagram shows radios A, B and C
and a repeater which are on the same DMO talkgroup. A, B and C are in
range of the repeater. Because of its location, the repeater can pass
communications between A, B and C even though they are out of range of
each other.
User Guide