in cps, Figure 7.5 (2). Statistical error of average count rate value is displayed in percents with 0.95
probability under indicated measurement units on Display and Control Unit РМ1403’s LCD. Read
the measured value when the statistical error is 10 % or less. The lower the statistical error is, the
more accurate the measurement data are;
Leave BDAB on the tested surface. When statistical error is 10 % or less, press the MENU
key on Display and Control Unit РМ1403. The lower the statistical error is, the more accurate the
measurement data are;
Press YES on Display and Control Unit РМ1403.
Following the instructions displayed on Display and Control Unit РМ1403’s LCD, mount the
- filter on BDAB and place BDAB on the tested surface in the same way as before
- filter
installation. Press NEXT.
Display and Control Unit РМ1403’s LCD will indicate continuously measured flux density
values of
- radiation в min
, Figure 7.5 (3). The user can read the measured value of
radiation flux density when the statistical error is 10 % or less.
The level of measured
- radiation flux density is displayed graphically on the analogue scale
as well. Quantity of the lighting scale segments corresponds to the value of measured
- radiation
flux density relative to the set threshold level.
When set threshold of flux density is exceeded, the instrument will emit sound (and) or light
signals. At that the analogue scale displayed on the Display and Control Unit РМ1403‘s LCD will be
filled completely. Signals are emitted all the time when the measured flux density value exceeds a set
threshold. Press any key on Display and Control Unit РМ1403 to stop alarming.
Figure 7.5
If value of measured flux density of
- radiation exceeds upper limit 5
, LCD of
Display and Control Unit РМ1403 will display “OVL.
User in the measurement mode of
- radiation flux density can save the measurement results into
memory of Display and Control Unit РМ1403, switch sound alarm off, change set threshold value, reset
accumulated statistics and go to the first step of
-radiation flux density measurement.
Measurement mode of β- radiation flux density ("β Measurement Mode")
Work procedure in this mode is similar to those described in 7.2.1 but the procedures of
installation/deinstallation of the filters are different (see LCD of Display and Control Unit РМ1403
for instructions).