Making BDAB ready for operation
General instructions
Always check completeness of BDAB delivery kit (according to Table 2.1 or Certificate on
the Radiation Detectors Set PM1403) when purchasing BDAB.
Unpack BDAB. Before starting to work with BDAD, carefully read current Operation Manual
and Operational Manual on Spectroscopic Radiation Monitor РM1403 / Display and Control Unit
PM1403, if BDAВ will be used with Spectroscopic Radiation Monitor РM1403 / Display and
Control Unit PM1403.
Illustrations given in the Manual represent the information displayed on the LCDs of
Spectroscopic Radiation Monitor РM1403 / Display and Control Unit PM1403; they are used to
explain BDAB operation together with Spectroscopic Radiation Monitor РM1403 / Display and
Control Unit PM1403.
BDAB-PC operation procedure is described in the user program supplied on the CD.
Detector window of BDAB (Figure 4.1, position 9) is made from thin mica film. Don’t
touch the detector window and a screen to protect the detector’s entrance window
radiation from mechanical damage, to prevent breakdown of the BDAB detector (Figure 4.1,
positions 6, 10).
Always protect BDAB against blows and mechanical injuries, corrosive substances, organic
solvents, open fire sources.
BDAB power supply
BDAB is powered from Spectroscopic Radiation Monitor РM1403 / Display and Control Unit
PM1403 or PC USB.
“POWER” LED on the BDAB front panel starts blinking (Figure 4.1, position 4) when BDAB
is connected to Spectroscopic Radiation Monitor РM1403 / Display and Control Unit PM1403 or PC.
Safety measures
BDAB is electrically safe and corresponds to state safety standards of the manufacturing
All setting, checking, repair, technical maintenance and verification procedures of BDAB
when radiation sources are used, must be done according to state and local safety instructions for
radioactive sources and other ionizing radiation sources valid at the verification site.
When any radioactive sources are detected, observe current operational rules when working
with radioactive sources.
In case of radioactive contamination, deactivate BDAB by wiping it with a soft cloth wetted
with ethyl alcohol (70 ml).