1. Refer to last card of the Piper Parts Price List - Aerofiche, for a checklist of current revision dates to Piper
Inspection Reports and Manuals.
2. Piper service bulletins are of special importance and Piper considers compliance mandatory. Piper
service letters are product improvements and service hints pertaining to sevicing the airplane and should be
given careful attention.
3. Inspections for the power plant are based on the engine manufacturer's operator's manual (Lycoming Part
Number 60297-16 for this airplane,dated March 1973). Any changes issued to the engine
manufacturer's operator's manual after this date shall supersede or supplement the inspections outlined in
this report.
4. Intervals between oil changes can be increased as much as 100% on engines equipped with full flow
cartridge type) oil filters, provided the element is replaced each 50 hours of engine operation and the
specified octane fuel is used. Should fuel other than the specified octane rating for the power plant be
used, refer to latest Lycoming Service Letter No. L185 for additional information and recommended
service procedures.
5. Replace or overhaul as required or at engine overhauls. (For engine overhaul, refer to latest revision of
Lycoming Service Letter 201.)
6. Replace flexible lines as required, but not later than 1000 hours.
7. At every 400 hours of engine operation, remove the rocker box covers and check for freedom of valve
rockers when valves are closed. Look for evidence of abnormal wear or broken parts in the area of the
valve tips, valve keepers, springs and spring seats. If any indications are found, the cylinder and all of its
components should be removed (including the piston and connecting rod assembly) and inspected for
further damage. Replace any parts that do not conform with limits shown in the latest revision of
Lycoming Service Table of Limits No. SSPl 776.
8. Check cylinders for evidence of excessive heat which is indicated by burned paint on the cylinders. This
condition is indicative of internal damage to the cylinder and, if found. its cause must be determined and
corrected before the aircraft is returned to service. Heavy discoloration and appearance of seepage at the
cylinder head and barrel attachment area is usually due to emission of thread lubricant used during
assembly of the barrel at the factory,or by slight gas leakage which stops after the cylinder has been in
service for awhile. This condition is neither harmful nor detrimental to engine performance and operation.
If it can be proven that leakage exceeds these conditions, the cylinder should be replaced.
9. Check carburetor throttle body attaching screws for tightness; the correct torque for these screws is 40 to
50 inch pounds.
10. When using alternate fuels. refer to latest Lycoming Service Letter L185 for additional information and
service procedures.
11. Replace flexible fuel tank supply hose at time of engine overhaul.
12. Replace fuel tank vent line flexible connections as required, but no later than 1000 hours of service .
13. Maintain cable tension as specified in section V of service manual.
14. The recommended flight time between reconditioning for Sensenich fixed-pitch metal propellers is 1000
hours, provided the propeller has not received prior damage requiring immediate attention. Reconditioning
accomplishes the removal of fatigued surface metal and accumulated small nicks and cuts too numerous
to repair individually. Contact a Sensenich factory approved repair station. (Refer to latest Sensenich
Service Letter 801 .)
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY 28,