4-23. RUDDER.
a. Remove the screws from around the upper tail cone fairing assembly and remove the fairing.
b. Remove the rudder tip by removing the attaching screws and disconnect the tail position light wire at the
quick disconnect located at the tip of the rudder. Open the access panel in the rear of the passenger compartment
to gain access to the aft section of the fuselage.
c. Relieve the cable tension from the rudder control system by loosening one of the cable turnbuckles in the
aft section of the fuselage.
d. Disconnect the two control cables from the rudder horn by removing the cotter pins, nuts, washers,
bushings and bolts.
e. Remove the cotter pins, nuts, washers and bolts from the upper and lower rudder hinge pivot points.
f. Pull the rudder up and aft from the vertical fin.
4-25. INSTALLATION OF RUDDER. (Refer to Figure 4-4)
a. Place the rudder in position and install the hinge bolts, washers, nuts and cotter pins.
Use any washer combination on the hinge assembly to best suit, the centering and
operation of the rudder.
b. Connect the tail position light electrical lead at the quick disconnect and cover the connector with an
insulating sleeve. Tie both ends of the sleeve with number six electrical lacing twine.
c. Connect the control cables to the rudder horn with bolts, washers, nuts and cotter pins.
d. Check the rudder in accordance with Rigging and Adjustment of Rudder, Section V.
e. Install the upper tail cone fairing and rudder tip and secure with the attachment screws. Secure the access
panel to the aft section of fuselage.
Figure 4-3. Methods of Securing Control Cables
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY. 28, 1989