The following suggestions should be applied wherever they are needed when working on the power plant.
a. To insure proper reinstallation and or assembly, tag and mark all parts. clips. and brackets as to their
location prior to their removal and or disassembly.
b. During removal of various tubes or engine parts,inspect them for indications of scoring, burning or other
undesirable conditions. To facilitate reinstallation, observe the location of each part during removal. Tag any
unserviceable parts and or units for investigation and possible repair.
c. Extreme care must be taken to prevent foreign matter from entering the engine. such as lockwire, washers,
nuts, dirt, dust, etc. This precaution applies whenever work is done on the engine. either on or off the aircraft.
suitable protective caps. plugs. and covers must be used to protect all openings as they are exposed.
Dust caps used to protect open lines must always be installed OVER
the tube ends and NOT in the tube ends, Flow through the lines may he
blocked off if lines are inadvertently installed with dust caps in the tube
d. Should any items be dropped into the engine, the assembly process must stop and the item removed. even
though this may require considerable time and labor. Insure that all parts are thoroughly clean before assembling.
e. Never reuse any lockwire, lockwashers, tablocks, tabwashers, or cotter pins. All lockwire and cottcr pins
must fit snugly in holes drilled in studs and bolts for locking purposes. Cotter pins should be installed so the head
fits into the castellation of the nut, and unless otherwise specified, bend one end of the pin back over the stud or
bolt and the other end down flat against the nut. Use only corrosion resistant steel lockwire and/or cotter pins.
Bushing plugs shall be lockwired to the assembly base or case. Do not lockwire the plug to the bushing.
f. All gaskets, packings and rubber parts must be replaced with new items of the same type at reassembly.
Insure the new nonmetallic parts being installed show no sign of having deteriorated in storage.
g. When installing engine parts which require the use of a hammer to facilitate assembly or installation, use
only a plastic or rawhide hammer.
h. Anti-seize lubrication should be applied to all loose-fit spline drives which are external to the engine and
have no other means of lubrication. For certain assembly procedures. molybdenum disulfide in either paste or
powdered form mixed with engine oil or grease may be used.
Ensure that Anti-seize compounds are applied in thin even coats, and
that excess compound is completely removed to avoid contamination of
adjacent parts.
i. Temporary marking methods are those markings which will ensure identification during ordinary handling,
storage and final assembly of parts.
8-4. TROUBLESHOOTING. Troubles peculiar to the power plant are listed in Table Vl11-11. at the end of this
section, along with their probable cause and suggested remedies. When troubleshooting the engine. ground the
magneto primary circuit before performing any checks on the engine.
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY. 28, 1989