This section explains the removal and installation procedure for the structural surfaces of the airplane. For
the removal, installation, rigging and adjustment procedures of the controlling components of the various
structural surfaces, refer to Section V.
When torquing structural assemblies, standard torque values are to be used as
found in FAA Advisory Circular 43.13-1A, unless otherwise stated in this section.
The airplane is an all metal semi-monocoque structure with an overall length 23 feet 8 inches. The fuselage
is constructed of bulkheads, stringer and stiffeners, to which all of the outer skin is riveted. Windows include a
single pane windshield and four side windows, all windows are single pane. A storm window is located in the
forward lower section of the left window and can be opened inward when the latch is released. The cabin
entrance door is located on the right side of the fuselage, above the wing, and is equipped with a safety latch on
the top of the door, which can be operated from the inside or outside.
Each wing panel is an all-metal, full cantilever semi-monocoque type construction with a removable
f i b e rglass tip. Installed in each wing ahead of the main spar is a metal fuel tank with a capacity of 25 U.S.
gallons each or 50 U.S.. gallons gallons total Attached to each wing is an aileron,flap and main landing gear.
The wings are attached to each side of the fuselage by inserting the butt ends of the main spars into a spar box
carry-through. The spar box is an integral part of the fuselage structure which provides, in effect, a continuous
main spar with splices at each side of the fuselage. There are also fore and aft attachments at the front and rear
The all metal empennage group is a full cantilever design consisting of a vertical stabilizer (fin), rudder and
stabilator, all with removable fiberglass tips. The stabilator has a trim tab attached that is controllable from the
cockpit. The stabilator also incorporates a one channel main spar that runs the full length of the stabilator and
hinges to the aft bulkhead assembly of the fuselage. All exterior surfaces are coated with enamel acrylic lacquer.
As an option the airplane may be completely primed with zinc chromate.
PA-28-161 CADET
Issued: FEBRUARY. 28, 1989