Menu Maker Helper
Page 32 of 38
Btn Tmpl
The mandatory layers within a Btn Tmpl layer set are as follows:
Text Area
– block indicates where text appears on the button
Thumb(nail) Mask
– white shape indicates the thumbnail as it
appears on the menu (can be any shape but must be white)
Thumb(nail) Area
– block shows maximum dimensions of the
thumbnail image
Button Image
– graphic of the button
Hilite Mask
– shape and size of Select/Active highlight; colors
must match the Photoshop/Normal color from the Color Tables
(sometimes called the Subpicture)
Button Area
– block shows maximum dimensions of a button
If two or more layers in a layer set are linked then changes to one affects the other(s) unless
they are manually unlinked. In the Btn Tmpl layer set the following layers are linked:
Thumbnail Mask and Thumbnail Area
Button Image and Hilite
For example, if the button image is skewed while the layer is linked to the Hilite layer, the shape
on the Hilite layer is skewed as well.