Operating Manual PMUT X1P
max. 2 x delay on de-energisation
MS1: Muting sensor 1
MS2: Muting sensor 2
MS3: Muting sensor 3
MS4: Muting sensor 4
ML1: Muting lamp 1
Reset input
If the simultaneity requirement of 3 s is exceeded, the unit will go to a fault condition. Once
the fault has been rectified, the simultaneity must be reset by operating the key switch at
S43-S44. The start button S33-34 must then be operated. The muting controller is ready for
Additional inputs for light guard or safety contacts
Additional safety contacts can be connected to the muting controller at S51-S52 and S61-
S62 (e.g. a dual-channel safety light guard with safe output contacts). These input circuits
can monitor the muted ESPE. However, these inputs do not have a muting function. If the
contacts connected at S51-S52 and S61-S62 are interrupted, safety contacts
13-14/23-24/33-34 are opened redundantly, auxiliary contact 41-42 is closed. Status indic-
ator "Output" goes out. A low signal is present at semiconductor output Y36.
Muting lamps
The muting controller PMUT X1P is designed for use with one or two muting lamps. As
soon as the inputs of the light guard are muted, the Muting lamp ML1 will light. The PMUT
X1P monitors the connected muting lamps during the muting cycle. If muting lamp ML1 is
defective (e.g. coiled filament broken or lamp switched off), then the PMUT X1P automatic-
ally switches to muting lamp ML2. A high signal is present at semiconductor output Y34
(muting lamp 1 defective). If muting lamp ML2 is defective or is not connected, a high signal