The actuator has driven over any end position. Check the appropriate IS3 sensors - left end
position (LIMP) and IS4 - right end position (LIMNS) (the sensors are expandable and their
correct function is indicated by red squares).
After pressing the failure message, the machine will switch to the system screen SYSTEM 2.
When you press the
RESET button (by the servo converter) the screen requiring
a password will appear. Enter the user password
and the actuator reset option will become
available (press the right RESET button again). In the window above the RESET button RESET
appears: 6 - run/hAlt, press the HOME button and the actuator will switch to the primary position
(indicated by a green square by the HOME button). Then you can leave the screen by pressing
the button << and move to the SYSTEM 1 screen. By pressing the button << you will get to the
MACHINE SETTINGS screen and from there to the MAIN MENU.
After clicking on the failure message, the machine will switch to a SYSTEM 2 screen on which
you can reset the converter (if the failure is resettable). When you press the
RESET button
(by the frequency converter) the screen requiring a password will appear. Enter the user
and the converter reset option will become available (press the left RESET
button again). In the window above the RESET button RESET appears: 4 - RDY, If such attempt
to reset the converter fails, the fault is unresettable and you have to switch the machine off by the
Power switch and leave it off for a few minutes. Then turn the machine on again.
You can leave the screen again by using the button << switching to the screen SYSTEM 1. By
pressing the button <<, you will get to the MACHINE SETTINGS screen and from there to the
In the event of insufficient tensioning of the saw blade or its breakage, a failure message will
Tension the saw blade (see section 4.8.), or replace the saw blade.
After clicking on the failure message, the machine will switch to a SYSTEM 2 screen on which
you can reset the actuator (if the failure is resettable). When you press the
RESET button
(by the servo converter) the screen requiring a password will appear. Enter the user password
and the actuator reset option will become available (press the right RESET button again).
In the window above the RESET button RESET appears: 6 - run/hAlt, if such attempt to reset the
servo converter fails, the fault is unresettable and you have to switch the machine off by the
power switch and leave it off for a few minutes. Then turn the machine on again.
You can leave the screen again by using the button << switching to the screen SYSTEM 1. By
pressing the button <<, you will get to the MACHINE SETTINGS screen and from there to the
TS failure -
if the PLC loses signal from the pressure
sensor during vice clamping, it will immediately pause
and turn the hydraulic unit off.The hydraulic unit turns off
because of the danger of leakage in the hydraulic
system. Upon pressing the failures screen, a screen with
settings appears, on which you can check the operation
of pressure sensors. Read more on how to delete
a failure in the chapter describing the SETTINGS OF
Faults reported by the system
The likely cause of the failure is the overload of the screw conveyor. You can eliminate the failure by
switching the motor actuator FQ5 to position 1. If the failure arises repeatedly, check or replace
motor of the screw conveyor or the motor actuator. View the status of the sensor for easier
detection of the failure FQ5 - the motor actuator of the screw conveyor (blue square indicates that
the device is on). In the SA and the manual mode, the failure is only informative. In the NC mode,
the message will appear on the screen and should the operator be absent, the machine will finish
the cut and interrupt the cycle. After returning to the machine, click on the POP UP window to delete
the message and choose whether you want the machine to continue the cycle or cancel it. If you
press the window the failure report before completing the currently executed cut, the report will
disappear and the machine will finish the cycle. After deleting the window with the failure report (if
the failure cause has not been deleted as well), the failure will remain recorded in the failure list as
active (marked in red).
Servo exceeded
limit position
Frequency inverter
reports a fault
Pressure sensor
moving vice
Servoinverter reports
a fault
Blade-tension sensor
Pressure sensor
fixed vice
%IX0.3 BP7
%IX0.6 TS2
%IX0.1 BP3
%IX0.7 TS1
Worm chips