Philips Semiconductors
TDA1562Q application note
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
Application note
Rev. 01.02 — 05 May 2006
50 of 62
As long as the current through the parasitic diode does not exceed 3 A, no damage will
be done, but when it exceeds 3.5A, the output stage will be damaged. This is visible in
fig.38 A and B. The energy contained in the negative pulse is an important factor. As long
as the current in the parasitic diode doesn’t flow for more than 50
s, the current may be
much higher.
a. No damage to TDA1562
b. Damage to TDA1562
Fig 38. Current through the parasitic diode
To protect the parasitic diode from too high currents, a schottky diode can be connected
externally between the output and ground, as shown in fig.39. The schottky diode will
conduct most of the current during a negative voltage pulse.