Philips Semiconductors
TDA1562Q application note
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
Application note
Rev. 01.02 — 05 May 2006
59 of 62
So, when the mode pin is enabled by 5V (eg. a microcontroller) an internal switch is
closed and the external Vref capacitor is charged via an internal 15kOhm resistor.
Also an internal switch (from OUT- to ground) is closed so that a measuring current of
1mA will flow from the positive output (OUT+) through the loudspeaker, to the negative
output (OUT-), through the internal switch to ground.
When the voltage on the Vref capacitor has reached a level of 1.4V, the upper
comparator will flip-over and at voltage levels between 0mV and about 70mV on the
positive output (OUT+) (caused by the impedance of the loudspeaker) the SR-flip flop will
be set and will give a high value on its output.
When the mute pin is still low, the state of the flip flop is availabe on the DIAG pin ,
proper load is detected.
If there is no load connected at the outputs, there’s no voltage across the outputs (OUT+)
and the flip flop is resetted . Now a “no load condition” is valid and the DIAG pin will
remain low.
Now, if the voltage swing on the output exceeds the level of 100mV the SR flip flop is
reset, and a “no load detect” situation occurs (no mather if a load is connected to the
outputs or not) unless the voltage crosses –30mV after the positive voltage swing. Then
the SR flip flop is set again.
It is seen that a voltage swing of >100mV can occur on the output when a large (dual
voice coil) subwoofer is connected to the amplifier outputs. This has everything to do with
its large inductance that causes that large voltage swing, which will be even worse when
the voice coils are connected in series.
In order to force the output voltage swing to a negative value that crosses –30mV an
external network must be connected to the positive output (OUT+).
This circuit will connect a Boucherot to the output
during a very short time
which is long
enough to dampen the voltage swing from rising above 100mV.
The time is determined by the values of the resistor R2 , R3 , the capacitor C2 and the
voltage on the mode pin and equals about13mS for the shown component values.
If a logic 3.3V voltage is used on the mode pin instead of 5V, then the capacitor C2
should be changed to a value of 680nF.
With this external circuit it has become possible now, to detect subwoofers with an
inductance of about > 0.5mH (at 1 kHz) at room temperature and Vp=14.4V .