Philips Semiconductors
TDA1562Q application note
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2004. All rights reserved.
Application note
Rev. 01.02 — 05 May 2006
53 of 62
The situation changes dramatically when the lift capacitors are discharged. In that
situation the amplifier will already be damaged by a voltage pulse of 12V at one of the
outputs. This is shown in fig. 41.
a. No damage to TDA1562
b. TDA1562 damaged
Fig 41. Current flowing into amplifier with positive pulse at output, Ch2 (cyan): Voutput, Ch3 (magenta) : current
into device
Normally, protecting an amplifier from voltage pulses at the outputs can be done by
connecting a diode from each output to the supply rail. In the TDA1562 this method
cannot be applied because during normal operation the output voltage can exceed the
supply voltage.
Since in most cases the +terminal of the lift capacitors is the connection with the highest
voltage in the application, the most effective way to protect the output against positive
pulses seemed to be to connect a diode between the output and the +terminal of the lift
This, however, did not give the desired effect. After more testing it was found that an
additional Schottky diode between the negative terminal of the lift capacitor and the
supply rail did give the desired results. The resulting circuit is shown in fig. 42.