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]: You can also add new apps into the profile using a search function. You need to
select the correct [
] and [
App Type
], [
] and [
] can be left blank to
see all available apps.
By default, there are only a few Portal (app type) apps available
If you want to install PlayStore apps you need to search for App type = PlayStore
This list will not contain any app by default. This list will only contain apps that you
have ever installed in any profile using this app control account.
Once you have installed a Google PlayStore app in a profile with this account you will
see the app in the list.
Pre-Authorized Apps
: Currently there is only ‘Netflix’ as an application to be authorized, more
might be added later on.
You can see than you have actions available next to the app you want to authorize for and also
the current status.
Note: Further details on how to enable ‘Netflix’ can be found in the chapter “Install Netflix on