External Storage Lock
To disable power for USB port and SD card.
Admin Password
Settings -> Signage Display -> System tools -> Admin
Enable or disable Admin Password. Default is disable.
(1). Unchecked: Disable.
(2). Checked: Enable.
After enabling, you need password to login Admin Mode.
Default password is “1234”.
Modify Password
Settings -> Signage Display -> System tools -> Admin
Password -> Modify Password.
User can change the password for login Admin Mode. Follow
the steps below:
Enter the current password first
. Default password is
If the current password is not correct, you will see an
“Incorrect password” toast message.
(2). Enter a new password.
(3). Enter the new password again.
Try again if the new password is not correct.
If the password is changed successfully, you will see a
“Successful” toast message.
Reset password
Settings -> Signage Display -> System tools -> Admin
Password -> Reset Password.
Reset the password to default “1234”. If succeed, you will see
a “Successful” toast message.
Touch lock password
The default touch unlock password is 123.
Hint Dialog Enable
Enabling this function will show a hint dialog to notify user
that touch is locked.
Modify password
Change default touch unlock password. First, enter the
current touch unlock password.
If current password is not correct, you will see an “Incorrect
password” toast message.
Next, enter the new password.
Enter the new password again.
Try again if the new password is not correct.
If the password is changed successfully, you will see a
“Successful” toast message.