8.3. Signage Display
Settings for signage display features.
8.3.1. General Settings
Signage Display Name
Default signage display name is “PD_{Ethernet_MAC_
Address}”. User can change the name with maximum 36
characters in length.
Boot Logo
Set up personal boot animation to show when system
powers on. This option is available only when OSD menu ->
Configuration -> Logo is set to "User".
System will search and list “bootanimation.zip” in the root
folder's external storage and bootanimation.zip that user
saved last time. When "Save" is selected, system will copy the
selected file to or overwrite bootanimation.zip file under /
Click “FORGET” to remove the bootanimation.zip already
stored in /data/local/bootanimation/ folder.
Navigation bar
Set navigation bar behavior.
Always on: Always show navigation bar on the screen.
Always off: Never show navigation bar on the screen.
Auto hide: Navigation bar will be hidden when no user
operation for 10 seconds.
Navigation bar never shows on Kiosk source.
Home Shortcut
Define shortcut on the H
ome screen. User can add App or
sources on home screen.
By default, whiteboard shortcut launches whiteboard APK,
present shortcut launches interact APK, Apps shortcuts will
list all installed APKs in the system. User can change default
action by steps in following section.
Choose App for Home shortcut
Select Apps for conference shortcut. First, select which
shortcut to be changed.