About this manual
1 About this manual
1.1 Validity
This operating manual is for customers of Pfeiffer Vacuum. It describes the func-
tioning of the designated product and provides the most important information for
safe use of the unit. The description follows applicable EU guidelines. All informa-
tion provided in this operating manual refer to the current state of the product's de-
velopment. The documentation remains valid as long as the customer does not
make any changes to the product.
Up-to-date operating instructions can also be downloaded from
Applicable docu-
*also available via www.pfeiffer-vacuum.net
For information about other certifications, if applicable, please see the signet on
the product or:
• www.tuvdotcom.com
• TUVdotCOM-ID 0000021320
1.2 Conventions
Safety instructions
The safety instructions in Pfeiffer Vacuum operating manuals are the result of risk
evaluations and hazard analyses and are oriented on international certification
standards as specified by UL, CSA, ANSI Z-535, Semi-S1, ISO 3864 and DIN 4844.
In this document, the following hazard levels and information are considered:
HiCube Classic
Operating instructions
Safety information for vacuum pumps "Safety Guide"
PT 0300 BN*
Declaration of Conformity
Part of this document
Operating instructions for components
see product description*
Operating instructions for accessories
see section "Accessories"*
Immediate danger
Death or very severe injuries occur.
Possible danger
Death or injuries may occur.
Possible danger
Medium to slight injuries may occur.
Command or note
Command to perform an action or information about properties, the disregarding of
which may result in damage to the product.