Page: 29
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Prepare the following assembly:
- fit the 6 previously greased balls (8) to the
thrust plate (9)
- fit the plate (7) to the thrust plate (9)
- Turn the assembly over and fit the lining (6)
the spring legs should be inserted in the slots
(A) in the plate (7)
- Fit the countersunk washer (10) to the plate (with
the countersink on the casing side)
- Fit the spacer (11)
- Lock the assembly with tool P/N 69142 69142
Drive pulley with governor
Re-assembly the governor (see chapter on
Governor assembly)
- Fit the pulley/governor assembly (1) lining up the
lining drive notches (6) with the cup drive notches
cup notches (1C)
- Turn the assembly alternately in order to
synchronise the pulley notches (1) with the lining
drive notches (6)
- Remove tool P/N 69142
- Fit the nut (15) and tighten to the recommended