Page: 16
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To remove the bearings and seals
1) From the casings:
- Set the casing down on its mating face
- Heat the casing using a heat stripper (80 to 90°C)
until the bearing drops out itself
- Remove the seal
2) On the crank assembly:
Special tooling required
- Protective cap P/N 69098
- Casing extraction and opening tool P/N 64706
- Shell for Ø 40 mm bearing P/N 64728
- Shell for Ø 47 mm bearing P/N 64729
- Fit protective cap P/N 69098 to the crank assembly
on the side the bearing is to be removed from
- Fit tool P/N 64706 to the crank assembly 64706
- Clamp the bearing and tool P/N 64706 in the shells
P/N 64728 or 64729 held together by the ring
- Tighten the tool screw P/N 64706 until the bearing
is fully extracted
Carry out the same operation to extract the second
the bearing external diameter of 47 mm is on
the drive pulley side
The bearing 40 mm external diameter is on the
magneto flywheel side