Please note that with the introduction of D1000X Firmware version 2, the CF card
used should no longer be “formatted and prepared” in the D1000X Utility software.
Instead, simply use a standard FAT32 formatted CF card. Using a “formatted and
prepared” CF card with the new firmware will result in unreadable files. A list of
what's new in version 2 can be found on the last page of this manual.
General information
The D1000X is an ultrasound detector with three independent ultrasound conversion systems,
heterodyne, frequency division and time expansion. In addition to this, the D1000X also has a
built-in high-speed recording system that uses a Compact Flash (CF) card (type I) as storage
medium. The resulting sound files are in “wav” format. Using a commonly available card
reader, the sound files can be transferred to a PC for analysis. For further information about
managing the files created with the D1000X, please refer to the section “File management”.
The CF card is used for recording sound, but also for temporary storage when the detector is
used in the time expansion mode, so in these operation modes, it is necessary to have a CF
card installed in the CF slot of the detector. Before using the CF card in the D1000X, the card
has to be formatted in the detector or in a PC.
Although the D1000X is mainly intended for use with ultrasonic signals such as bat calls, it
can also be used to record audible signals. If the highpass filter in the detector is disabled, the
detector can be used at frequencies down to about 500 Hz. This makes it suitable for
recording e.g. bird song. On request, the detector can be modified to allow use at even lower
frequencies. For optimum sound quality at frequencies below 5 kHz, another microphone than
that supplied with the D1000X may be required.
This manual describes the various functions of the detector and examples of different set-ups
suitable in various situations are given. It does not, however, attempt to give any in-depth
information regarding actual field work and identification of bat species. For such
information, the user is referred to other available literature, such as Barataud: Acoustic
Ecology of European Bats (Biotope Éditions) or Ahlén and Baagoe: Use of ultrasound
detectors for bat studies in Europe: experiences from field identification, surveys and
monitoring. Acta Chiropterologica 1(2): 137-150.
The microprocessor program (the firmware) of the D1000X is upgradeable. The main
program of the D1000X can be upgraded by the user, using an upgrade file supplied by
Pettersson Elektronik.
Caution. Always follow the instructions supplied with the CF card you are using.
Specifically, always switch off the power to the D1000X before removing or
inserting a CF card. Never switch the power off or plug/unplug external DC power
while the D1000X is accessing the CF card, i.e. while recording, playing or
formatting the CF card. Doing so can cause loss of recorded files and/or corruption
of the CF card.