not noticed. Please note that after using the Clean file command, the information erased from
the file cannot be retrieved, so it is advisable to perform this operation on a copy of the
original file.
The File management command opens the File Management dialog box which gives a list of
the D1000X files in the selected drive/folder with the embedded file information:
The information in the File Management list can be exported to a tab separated text file
(“Export”). Select the desired information to export by first highlighting it. It is also possible
to press Ctrl-C to copy the highlighted section to the Windows clipboard.
The Copy & Rename function is used to copy one or more D1000X files from the CF card to
the computer’s hard disk. Optionally the files can also be renamed. The Rename function can
also be used to add the time and date to the original file name. A user defined prefix and/or
suffix can be added to the original file name. Selecting multiple files, will create copies of all
files with time/date, prefix and suffix added. This is useful to add identification information
(e.g. recording location) to a group of files.
As an example, if the settings showed below are applied to the file M00067.WAV above, this
will result in a copy of the file to the file ABC2010-10-01_11_16_45_M00067DEF.WAV
the C:/temp folder.