Using the detector the first time
Make sure the Main Power switch is ON. Switch on the power
to the detector by pressing the ON/OFF key for at least 1.5
seconds. As the display shows “D1000X Release key” release
the ON/OFF key. The text “BOOTING” is displayed followed
by a scan of the CF card. The complete scan can take several
tens of seconds if it's a large CF card. If you wish to circumvent
the scan, press and hold the ESC key when the text READY is
displayed at the bottom of the screen. Next the text
“SEARCHING GPS” is displayed. For more information on
using a GPS receiver with the D1000X, please refer to the
section “Using a GPS receiver” in this manual. When the main
screen is shown (see picture), the detector is ready to be used.
The main screen shows the most important recording
parameters, the name of the active “profile”, the recording
mode, the sampling frequency, the time expansion (TE) factor
and the Pre/post trigger time. The name of the last recorded file
and the time (HH.MM.SS) are also shown.
The two indicators show the remaining free space of the CF
The D1000X Main Screen
card and the battery/external power supply voltage. When all
segments of the battery indicator turn blank, the battery voltage
is approximately 5.3 V and the batteries should be replaced. At a battery voltage of
approximately 5.0 V, the detector will automatically turn off. The heterodyne tuned frequency
is shown at the bottom.
It should be noted that the battery indicator shows the battery voltage, and not necessarily the
remaining battery life. Different battery types exhibit different voltage characteristics and
some types may remain at almost full voltage until its capacity is nearly exhausted.
To test the heterodyne system, set the left FD/HET/MEM switch to the HETerodyne position
and the NORMAL/MEM
HET switch to the NORMAL position. Adjust the VOLUME
control so that a weak noise is heard in the loudspeaker. If necessary, you can also adjust the
gain with the INPUT GAIN control at the front panel. Then turn the FREQUENCY control to
give a display reading of approximately 20 kHz and gently snap your fingers near the
microphone. A scraping sound should be heard in the loudspeaker. Another good ultrasound
source is a jingling bunch of keys.
The frequency control is only used for the heterodyne system and works in the following way.
The display shows the center of the frequency range (approximately 10 kHz wide), to be
transformed. If the control is set to 20 kHz, you can listen to ultrasonic frequencies between
approximately 15 and 25 kHz.
To test the frequency division system, change the FD/HET/MEM switch to the FD position
and repeat the exercise above. In this case the frequency control has no influence, all signals
over the entire frequency range of the detector will be transformed.
The time expansion/direct recording system can be configured in a variety of ways, so we
will here only test a few basic functions. Set the FD/HET/MEM switch to the MEMory