Perlight Solar IRT Integrated Roof Tile Installation Manual
V.03.2021 C2.6
Installation Steps (Example)
Placement of the First Module
Once the Bottom Edge and Flashing-Bottom is installed, installation of the modules can begin.
Installing bottom row of modules:
The Lower Frame of the module (Grey) slots into the Bottom Edge
(Yellow) as illustrated.
Always begin IRT installation from the bottom left.
Complete the row from
left to right
before beginning installation of the row above.
Remember to only use:
PLM-**MB-24 (L) for the leftmost module of each row.
PLM-**MB-24 (R) for the rightmost module of each row.
PLM-**MB-24 (M) for every module between Left & Right end modules.
Continue to install the remaining Flashing-Bottom & Bottom
Edges ensuring they are level and aligned with the previous ones.
Note that all Bottom Edges must be aligned with each other in
a uniform line so that the subsequent modules can be aligned.