-01 Electromechanical box tripod turnstile with two built-in readers
6.3.7 Pin assignment of the CLB connector blocks are given in Figure 3 and
on a label located on the inner surface of the turnstile top cover.
6.4. Input control signals and their parameters at autonomous control
6.4.1 The CLB microcontroller processes incoming commands (i.e. traces
the status of the contacts “Unlock A”, “Stop”, “Unlock B” and “Fire
Alarm”), keeps track of the signals from optic sensors and from the in-
trusion detector (contact “Detector”), and based on those signals, gen-
erates commands to the control mechanism and to the external devices
– indication on the RC panel (“Led A”, “Led Stop” and “Led B”), the sig-
nal of hub turning in the corresponding direction (“PASS
” and “PASS
”), the signal of the turnstile ready for a next command (“Ready”), the
alarm output signal (“Alarm”) – and relays the signal of the current sta-
tus of the intrusion detector (“Det Out”).
6.4.2 The turnstile is operated by input of a low-level signal, relatively to the
“GND” contact, to “Unlock A”, “Unlock B” and “Stop” contacts of the
“XT1.L” connector block. As a control element there can be used a nor-
mally open relay contact or a circuit with open collector output at that.
Emergency unblocking of the turnstile is carried out by removing of a
low-level relatively to the “GND” contact signal from the “Fire Alarm”
contact. As a control element there can be used a normally closed relay
contact or a circuit with open collector output at that (Ref. Fig. 4).
For generating of a high-level signal at all input contacts (“Unlock A”, “Stop”,
Unlock B”, “Fire Alarm” and “Detector”) 2kOhm resistors connected to the power sup-
ply bus “+ 5V” are used.
The control element must provide the following signal characteristics:
the relay contact as the control element:
current ................................................no more than 2mA;
closed contact resistance
(with resistance of the connection cable).................. no more than 300 Ohm;
the circuit with open-collector output as the control element:
voltage at the closed contact
(low - level signal at the CLB input) ..................................no more than 0.8V.