SGM700 Digitizer
Configuration Menu -Ind-
6.7 - - - Ind
Indicator settings
In this menu, the Indicator settings can be set.
Options are:
Press key 2 <2 sec to enter the indicator settings.
The following screen is vissable:
Ind 1
you set the
maximum net weight value
. Set maximum load to prevent
overload by the user. The indicator will not show any weight above this value.
Range: 0 – full display.
To change the value press key 2 < 2 sec.
Ind 1
Maximum display value
Ind 2
No motion band
Ind 3
Stable time
Ind 4
Digital overall filter
Ind 5
Display step size
Ind 6
Decimal point position
Ind 7
Display refreshment speed
Ind 8
Operation mode
Ind 9
Sample time